(217) 344-0641 office@tcbc.cc

Sunday School at TCBC

9:00 Sundays, while school is in session.
Adult classes meet downstairs in the Fellowship Hall

Children’s classes meet in the Kids Min areas

Youth classes meet in the Youth Building

Go to our Kids Min pageSunday School Class Archive

Adult Sunday School Fall 2024

Understanding Christian Theology

What does the Bible teach and what has the church historically taught about us, our world, and God? Starting September 8, Pastor Jon will lead a 13-week study examining a different area of Christian teaching each week.

Emotional Healthy Relationships

Understanding ourselves and how we relate to others is a key to following Jesus as disciples. Lynn Kincaid and Troy Rendelman will lead this study, part of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship series, September 8 to October 27.

Pursuing Your Vocation (starts Oct. 13)

What does it mean to follow God’s call? Is “ministry” just something pastors and missionaries do? How can I serve God in the profession I’m in or preparing for? Andy Kim will facilitate this class, with help from many others, designed with students in mind but useful for people at any stage of life, October 13 to November 17. 

Class info and schedule.