Children's Ministry
Kids at TCBCBirth-5th grade Classes
There are classes for kids from birth-5th grade. These meet in the annex building attached to the main church building during the Sunday School Hour at 9:00 a.m and those for younger children also meet during the 10:00 a.m. worship service. We seek to provide a loving environment in which our youngest attendees sense they are loved by God and by us.
Whether this is your first time, or your 5th kid, we expect you to sign your children in to their class rooms. A staff or volunteer will be available to help walk you through the process. Don’t forget the name tags, or your claim ticket, which you will need to pick your child up after the service.

Sunday School Classes for Kids birth-5th Grade

Elementary Sunday School
I AM Statements
Upper Elementary Classroom, 9:00 a.m.
For Kindergarten-5th Grade students
This Spring, we will go through the “I am” statements of Jesus found in the book of John and see how they tie in with the depiction God gives of Himself in Exodus 34.

Toddler & Nursery Class
Nursery Room, 9:00 a.m.
For Infants-Preschoolers
For our youngest attendees, a space for them to experience God’s love., along with stories, activities and songs focused on sharing with them who God is.
Sunday School Classes for Kids birth-5th Grade

Nursery Room, during the service
A place for infants up to 2 years old to learn and play safely.

Explorers Class
Explorers Room, 10:00 a.m.
For 2 year olds-Preschoolers
Age appropriate Bible stories that teach children about who God is and his love for them. This class includes lots of play and fun.

Upper Elementary Room, during the service
For Kindergarten-5th Grade
This class goes through the Bible, showing kids who God is and how the whole Bible points to Jesus. Kids join in the worship service for songs and prayer, and then leave for the sermon.