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Bryan Scott - January 12, 2025

Second Greatest Commandment: Love Others

Scripture References: Proverbs 6:1-6, Proverbs 6:12-19

From Series: "Commandments of Wisdom"

The start of the New Year is typically a reprioritization of goals and habits for many. Of primary concern for believers are the commandments of Scripture. Yet, we often only view the Ten Commandments as features of Exodus and Deuteronomy. Jesus and the Apostles, however, show that the Ten Commandments are central to the story of redemption (Jesus came to fulfill them, not abolish them, and Paul said the fulfillment of the law is ‘to love your neighbor as yourself’). The Commandments reveal our need for a Savior (we can’t be saved by them), they give us a means to know how to please God as believers, and they reveal the heart and nature of God himself. We will study what Proverbs has to say about the Commandments, as we prepare our hearts for explore to the Gospel during Lent.

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