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Bryan Scott - February 2, 2025

Sin & Faith

Scripture References: 1 Samuel 10:17-27

From Series: "The Deceitfulness of Sin"

When we think about sin we tend to downplay it–which itself is a product of our own sinfulness! We tend to downplay its complexity and depth, and we tend to downplay it in its outcomes and consequences. In downplaying sin’s complexity and depth, we tend to view sin as a surface-level, behavioral malady–i.e. we do wrong actions. We tend to downplay the outcomes and consequences of sin and view the negative social status as the main issue–”he’s a criminal,” “she’s a cheater.” But the Bible speaks of sin with much more depth and in much graver consequences. In God’s graciousness, he reveals more to us about our sin than we want to know or admit. Yet, it’s only in that revelation that we see the beauty and wonder of what Jesus Christ has done for us. This series aims to present how Scripture shows that our sin is such that we deceive ourselves in it, and yet even as God sees through it he offers us One who came to confront our sin, deliver us from it, and fulfill our deepest longings. We will see how this plays out through the life of King Saul.

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